Issue 40 – Premium Brands Holdings – Getting to the Meat of the Matter
Premium Brands Holdings Corp. (TSX: PBH) is a Canadian food processor that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of processed meats, pre-packaged sandwiches, and frozen food products. The company supplies food service, retail and wholesale customers in Canada and the United States and Canadian operations account for approximately 75% of revenues. Premium’s long-term business plan is centered on the acquisition and integration of small, independent businesses with an entrepreneurial spirit, superior food products, and a community presence. PBH operates six different business groups which includes Seafood, Distribution, Protein, Sandwich, Bakery and Culinary.
Issue 40 – Premium Brands Holdings – Getting to the Meat of the Matter
Premium Brands Holdings Corp. (TSX: PBH) is a Canadian food processor that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of processed meats, pre-packaged sandwiches, and frozen food products. The company supplies food service, retail and wholesale customers in Canada and the United States and Canadian operations account for approximately 75% of revenues. Premium’s long-term business plan is centered on the acquisition and integration of small, independent businesses with an entrepreneurial spirit, superior food products, and a community presence. PBH operates six different business groups which includes Seafood, Distribution, Protein, Sandwich, Bakery and Culinary.
Disclaimer: Palos Funds are shareholders of PBH.
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